Taipei Comedy Live

Join us for an evening of English-language standup comedy, featuring Taipei’s most elite entertainers, at the legendary Comedy Plus.
Hosted by American comic Evan Danger, the show features a star-studded international cast, headlined by the one and only Sam Yarbs.

About the comics:

Evan Danger: Mr. Danger is an NYC-born comic who started off in Shanghai’s comedy scene during the late 2010s. He has performed all around Asia in both English and Chinese and been featured on numerous programs including KaiXinDian, KungPao Chicks and Gei Yue Ma? His YouTube videos have millions of views internationally. 

Janice Wu: Janice is a Taiwanese comedian who has been perfecting her craft for nearly six years in the Chinese comedy scene around Taiwan. Last year, she dove into English comedy, quickly becoming renowned for her daring dirty jokes. Janice uniquely navigates cultural differences and her dating escapades. Her comedic perspective offers a refreshing female look into taboo subjects and challenging societal norms. At just 24 years old, she proudly represents the younger generation of up-and-coming comedians.

Shen Jong: Shen Jong is a Taiwan-born, Hong-Kong raised lawyer-turned-comedy-rockstar. He performs frequently in Taiwan and Hong Kong, in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. He has opened for Hong Kong standup comedy grandmaster Tim Chan (Chan Lok Tim) and will be opening for Hong Kong comedy superstar Jordan Leung (aka Ranch 69) this coming August.

Esther Chen: Esther Chen is an actor and comedian. She is seen on HBO, Hulu, MAX, Netflix, Amazon, FX, NBC, and Comedy Central. She is the producer and host of Asians Strike Back: A Coronavirus Comedy + Science Show, which was picked up by CBS Insider News, CNN, Now This, South China Morning Post, the New York Times, Gothamist and TimeOut. Recently, Esther recurred on the new Sex and the City show, shot a promo for Seinfeld’s Netflix special 23 Hours to Kill, and guest starred on Law and Order: Organized Crime. She is a 2023 Fellow at the Yes and Laughter Lab, a 2023 Finalist at the Ladies Room Comedy Festival, and a disappointment to her parents.

Sam Yarbs: Sam Yarbs is an American stand-up comic based in Taipei, Taiwan. Sam has headlined in over 8 countries, and was a finalist in the 2017 Shanghai International Comedy Festival, the 2017 Bangkok International Comedy Festival and was a two-time finalist in the Hong Kong International Comedy Festival. Sam is one of the co-founders and owners of Two Three Comedy in Taipei and was a writer and performer in Season 3 of The Night Night Show with Brian Tseng. 

Kylie Wang needs to quit the show, due to pregnancy circumstances.

Tickets are $450 NT pre-sale and available on KKTIX or at the door ($500 NT at the door).


共演:Sam Yarbs(壓軸)、佳諭、沈榮、Esther (凱莉因身體因辭演,敬請見諒)



時間/Time:Fri. 12th July 10pm   2024/7/12(五)10:00
Venue/場地:Comedy Plus 卡米地+
Adress/地址:No. 480, Fuxing N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City / 台北市中山區復興北路480號
Pre-sale Price/票價:TWD$450 (1 drink included)  



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  3. 本活動網站訂購之取票方式提供全家取票(4張為限,每筆酌收$30取票手續費,請於全家便利商店繳納給櫃臺)。
  4. 本活動亦可至全家便利商店以現金方式購票,每筆限購4張,不需酌收取票手續費。


  1. 根據文化部訂定『藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項』第六項「退、換票機制 」之規定,本節目採用方案一:消費者請求退換票之時限為演出日前10日(不含演出日),但消費者於退換票時限屆至前購買,迄於時限屆至後始收受票券或於開演前仍未收受票券者,亦得退換票,全家取票因購買當日便可取票則不適用此規範請求退換票日期以實體票券寄達日為準,退票需酌收票面金額10%手續費,限活動10日前辦理(不含活動當日),請詳閱KKTIX退換票規定
  2. 開演前30分鐘入場。
  3. 一人一票憑票入場,建議12歲以上觀眾入場,票券視同有價證券,請妥善保存,如遺失或毀損恕不補發。
  4. 如遇票券毀損、滅失或遺失,主辦單位將依「藝文表演票券定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」第七項「票券毀損、滅失及遺失之入場機制:主辦單位應提供消費者票券毀損、滅失及遺失時之入場機制並詳加說明。」之規定辦理,詳情請洽KKTIX客服中心。

Comedy Plus 卡米地+ / 北市中山區復興北路480號


票種 販售時間 售價

2024/06/15 12:30(+0800) ~ 2024/07/12 22:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$450