Join us for an evening of English-language standup comedy, featuring Taipei’s most elite entertainers, at the legendary Comedy Plus. Hosted by American comic Evan Danger, the show features a star-studded international cast, headlined by the one and only Janice Wu.
About the comics:
Ruei-En(Ray Ray): Ruei-En is a Taiwanese comedian with nearly seven years of experience in the Chinese comedy scene. Starting their English comedy journey in 2024, they bring a unique perspective as a non-binary lesbian comedian. Their material cleverly explores LGBTQ+ identity, queer culture, and gender dynamics through witty observations. As a champion of Taiwan's stand-up comedy competition, Ruei-En breaks boundaries by challenging traditional gender norms and bringing authentic queer narratives to the stage, continuing to inspire audiences with their distinctive comedic voice.
Evan Danger: Mr. Danger is an NYC-born comic who started off in Shanghai’s comedy scene during the late 2010s. He has performed all around Asia in both English and Chinese and been featured on numerous programs including KaiXinDian, KungPao Chicks and Gei Yue Ma? His YouTube videos have millions of views internationally.
Janice Wu: Janice is a Taiwanese comedian who has been perfecting her craft for nearly six years in the Chinese comedy scene around Taiwan. Last year, she dove into English comedy, quickly becoming renowned for her daring dirty jokes. Janice uniquely navigates cultural differences and her dating escapades. Her comedic perspective offers a refreshing female look into taboo subjects and challenging societal norms. At just 24 years old, she proudly represents the younger generation of up-and-coming comedians.
Shen Jong: Shen Jong is a Taiwan-born, Hong-Kong raised lawyer-turned-comedy-rockstar. He performs frequently in Taiwan and Hong Kong, in Mandarin, Cantonese, and English.
Kylie Wang: Kylie Wang is a Taiwanese comedian, podcaster and a professionally trained English-Mandarin conference interpreter. Her podcast show, Bailingguo News, is one of the highest-ranked shows in Taiwan. Wang is also a popular stand-up comedian known for her outspoken persona, hitting many topics considered to be inappropriate in Taiwan.
Mia: Mia started her comedy career when she found her ex was not funny at all on the stage. To teach foreigners how to respect Asian culture, she writes jokes about her parents and her sad dating experience. She’s been doing comedy in English for a year, has opened for international headliners and performed in Europe. Spreading her sassy power to the world and making people laugh.
Sam Yarbs: Sam Yarbs is an American stand-up comic based in Taipei, Taiwan. Sam has headlined in over 8 countries, and was a finalist in the 2017 Shanghai International Comedy Festival, the 2017 Bangkok International Comedy Festival and was a two-time finalist in the Hong Kong International Comedy Festival. Sam is one of the co-founders and owners of Two Three Comedy in Taipei and was a writer and performer in Season 3 of The Night Night Show with Brian Tseng.
共演:佳諭(壓軸)、凱莉、瑞恩、Sam Yarbs、沈榮、Mia
Tickets are $450 NT pre-sale and available on KKTIX or at the door ($500 NT at the door).
時間/Time:Fri. 17th Jan. 8pm 2025/01/17(五)20:00
Venue/場地:Comedy Plus 卡米地+
Adress/地址:No. 480, Fuxing N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City / 台北市中山區復興北路480號
Pre-sale Price/預售票價:TWD$450 (1 drink included)
General Price/一般票價:TWD$500 (1 drink included)

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