Join us for an evening of English-language standup comedy, featuring Taipei’s most elite entertainers, at the legendary Comedy Plus. Hosted by American comic Evan Danger, the show features a star-studded international cast, headlined by the one and only Sam Yarbs.
Tickets are $350 NT pre-sale on KKTIX or $400 NT at the door.
About the comics:
Evan Danger: Mr. Danger is an NYC-born comic who started off in Shanghai’s comedy scene during the late 2010s. He has performed all around Asia in both English and Chinese and been featured on numerous programs including The Night Night Show with Hello Hor, KaiXinDian, KungPao Chicks and Gei Yue Ma? His YouTube videos have millions of views internationally.
Sam Yarbs: Sam Yarbs is an American stand-up comic based in Taipei, Taiwan. Sam has headlined in over 8 countries, and was a finalist in the 2017 Shanghai International Comedy Festival, the 2017 Bangkok International Comedy Festival and was a two-time finalist in the Hong Kong International Comedy Festival. Sam is one of the co-founders and owners of Two Three Comedy in Taipei and was a writer and performer in Season 3 of The Night Night Show with Brian Tseng.
Mandy Yu: Mandy is a Taiwanese comic who started her comedy journey when she moved to Taipei in her early college years. Since then, she has performed in 8 different countries around the world and has been featured in numerous comedy shows including Funny Women, Comedy in the Chapel, and The Super Comedy Show (Roma).
Ellery: Ellery is an American comedian known for his sharp online comedy in Chinese, building a strong following as a content creator in Taiwan. Though new to the stand-up scene, he’s bringing his dark and sometimes edgy humor to the stage in English. Trading edits and retakes for live mics and punchlines.
Ricky: Ricky is a local Taiwanese who has only started learning English seriously in the past year, he still feels his English is very poor. He likes one-liner jokes because life is always full of twists, and he also likes dark humor because life is always full of suffering.
Jona Kraft: Jona Craft is an up-and-coming American comedian known for his sharp wit and relatable humor. Performing regularly at the 23 Comedy Club, Jona's comedic style blends observational jokes with a unique twist on everyday life. Audiences appreciate his clever timing and charismatic stage presence, making him a rising star.
時間/Time:Sat. 22th March 8pm 2025/3/22(六)20:00
Venue/場地:Comedy Plus 卡米地+
Adress/地址:No. 480, Fuxing N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City / 台北市中山區復興北路480號
Pre-sale Price/票價:TWD$350 (1 drink included)
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- 開演前30分鐘入場。
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