Jason Cheny Live at Comedy Plus!

Come see world-famous comedian Jason Cheney at the legendary Comedy Plus! An epic evening of comedy in a more classical comedy club setting.

26th June 8pm 

Born and raised in Taiwan, re-raised in America. With a cross-cultural perspective, and a goofy personality. Jason points out social absurdities within his family, upbringing, and the society he constantly tries to find his belonging in. Expressing his frustration and confusion on stage every night, in a way that feels the most truthful to him in that moment. 

In LA, you can see Jason performs at The Comedy & Magic Club, The Comedy Store friends & family shows, The Improv, The Laugh Factory, HaHa Comedy Club, and in NY, The Comedy Cellar. Whilst in refining his style in the world of stand up, he was lucky enough to open for Ronny Chieng and Iliza Shlesinger. He has also appeared on Comedy Central’s ‘Featuring’, Don’t Tell Comedy, Kevin Hart's LOL Network on SiriusXM, and won a couple stand up comedy contests including The World Series of Comedy main event in Las Vegas. Toured over Asia including Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and all 50 states across the US in comedy clubs, cruise ships, college campuses, corporate events, laundromats, garages, perfecting his style in comedy in every way possible.    

愛台喜劇演員Jason Cheny


時間/Time:Wed. 26th June 8pm   2024/6/26(三)20:00
場地/Venue:Comedy Plus 卡米地+
票      價/Price: A Zone NT.1500 /B Zone NT.1200



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  4. 本活動亦可至全家便利商店以現金方式購票,每筆限購4張,不需酌收取票手續費。


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Comedy Plus 卡米地+ / 北市中山區復興北路480號

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2024/05/21 00:00(+0800) ~ 2024/06/26 20:00(+0800) End of Sale
  • TWD$1,200
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